In the competition for talent, companies are becoming rather creative with the benefits they offer, ones that go beyond the usual medical coverage and retirement. If you are in the process of looking for a job, it may help to know what companies are offering to help you find the right place to work.
For example, many have child care. Companies are offering low-cost day care centers located at the company facilities. Employees can visit their children during the day. It is a big help to parents of young children, given the cost of day care.
Some companies are also offering eldercare benefits. This can be a big help to people who are not only caring for children but also for their aging parents. With these benefits, employees can add their parents to their health insurance. And companies are providing consultants to assist workers in caring for elderly relatives.
Companies are also realizing that giving employees the opportunity for personal fulfillment helps the bottom line. To help with this, some companies are allowing their employees to pursue volunteer opportunities on company time.
Progressive companies are also opening their facilities to pets. Employees can bring their pets to work.
Taking a cue from schools and colleges, some companies are also allowing their employees to take paid sabbaticals, time off with pay where workers can pursue personal or professional development. Employees can take time off ranging from several weeks to an entire year. And with the new skills and knowledge they gain, workers can offer even more to the company when they return.
Other places have gyms on-site as well and allow employees to take time during the day to exercise. This is a win-win situation for both the company and the employee – research has shown that exercise helps prevent sickness and disease, lowers stress levels, and helps focus and concentration. All of this makes for happier and more productive workers.
There are many other benefits companies are offering as well, perks that are still not very common in the business world, such as on-site concierge services and massages.
So, if you are looking for a new job, you need to look beyond just the salary to see what other benefits are there as well. The kinds of benefits companies offer also can tell you how much they value their employees.
Looking for work in Anchorage, Tacoma, Seattle, Chicago, Portland, or Lake Oswego? Then send your resume to the recruiters at the Opti Staffing Group. We can help you get that all-important “foot in the door” for many of these cities’ top companies. Contact us today.