It’s a counterintuitive path to success, but the man who advocated it was one of the best examples of how it worked. Zig Ziglar, who died in 2012, famously said, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want,
The Importance of Integrity
Ziglar was a salesman, and while he preached that effort is important, he also extolled the virtues of integrity as well. Some other quotes from Ziglar make the point best:
“The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love, and loyalty.”
“With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.”
“Honesty and integrity are absolutely essential for success in life–all areas of life. The really good news is that anyone can develop both honesty and integrity.”
Honesty and integrity are the foundation. The desire to help others comes from having these qualities. They are what build trust and goodwill.
Attitude Counts
Ziglar practiced what he preached. He was there for people, and they were there for him. His entire career as a motivational speaker was an illustration of his philosophy. Help people, give them what they are looking for, what they need, whether it is a product or service, and success will soon follow in its wake, Ziglar says.
Be Positive
But helping others isn’t the only requirement for success. There are others too, according to Ziglar.
He also preached the value of hard work, that you only get out of life what you put in. And he talked about the importance of having a positive attitude, which, he said, made more of a difference than a person’s ability.
“If you don’t see yourself as a winner, you cannot perform like a winner,” he said.
We need to have courage, he said, because it is only those with courage who “wring the most out of life.”
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