If you are looking to get employees engaged and energized or to advertise your brand, sponsoring a special event may be the way to go. A special event, as the name implies, is something out of the ordinary, something that is more than a routine meeting or gathering.
Many different occasions fit under the special event umbrella. It could be a grand opening, some kind of big multi-media display, a formal dinner or a musical event. But whatever kind of event it is, it sticks out. It’s big, it’s flashy, colorful, eye-catching and lively. And many businesses are using them. Spending on special events around the world now tops $500 billion a year.
Special events are held for a number of reasons – as a public relations vehicle, as a way of building a relationship with the community, as a way of team building among employees. Companies use them to promote a product or service, raise money or improve employee engagement.
If you decide to hold a special event, here are a few tips.
1. It should really be special.
Don’t try to take some routine gathering and dress it up as a special event. People will catch on to that pretty quickly. It’s called a special event for a reason. It truly has to be for something exceptional and extraordinary. Its value lies in the fact that it is not held very often. There has to be a good reason for it.
2. Location is important
A special event calls for a special location. In fact, some event organizers consider location the key to holding a successful special event. If you settle for renting out the local fire hall, don’t expect your event to draw any notice or spur any excitement.
You may want to think about a historic building or some other landmark. There are also many corporate venues available.
3. Special events don’t have to break the bank.
The biggest expense will most likely be for the venue itself. But even here, there are many places you should be able to find that are reasonable. Another expense will be food and drinks. But you can economize here as well. For example, serving elegant canapés can add more elan to an event than a more run-of-the-mill catered chicken dinner.
The key here is not what you spend, but how you spend it. Planning and marketing the event and inviting the people who matter are more important than what you buy.
If your company is looking for special employees who can make an impact, Opti Staffing can help you. We will work with you to learn about your business and your needs, and then find the people who will be able to add value to your company. Give Opti a call today.