A Flexible Workplace Improves Morale and Saves Money

Many companies have discovered that “workplace flexibility” is a great way to tout the firm as a great place to work.
And this flexibility – if true – is a great benefit to offer.
But it’s also much more: workplace flexibility is a solid business strategy, one that can actually increase your company’s bottom line.
This practically-cost-free employee benefit is one that can change a company’s culture while reaping real monetary benefits.
Take, for example, a company that has many remote workers. Instead of having to have additional office space to house them, the company can cut back on the amount of square footage needed in order to operate, thereby saving a lot of money in overhead costs. As you no doubt well know, saving money is akin to making money!
What’s more, many companies have found that offering a flexible workplace is a great way to retain top workers, workers that, were they to leave, would be costly to replace, not only in the time taken to interview, hire and train, but also in lost “cultural knowledge” of how a company gets things done.
Skilled and reliable workers are becoming in shorter and shorter supply as the U.S. economy rebounds. If your Anchorage-area company isn’t already offering a flexible workplace – one that allows telecommuting, staggered work hours and other flexible workplace strategies – consider doing so. You may well find that you’re better able to attract a higher caliber of employee.
Looking for more ideas regarding how to recruit and retain great employees for your company? Then contact the Opti Staffing Group. We look forward to hearing how we may be of service.
