Procrastination afflicts most of us at one time or another. Many are able to muster the motivation to pull themselves out of it. But, for others, the battle is a little harder.
Here are some things to do to help you overcome procrastination.
1. Understand your purpose.
You need to understand why you are doing something, what you are trying to achieve. Knowing your goal helps to give you a sense of purpose. It helps you to focus on what you are trying to achieve. Then list a few of the goal-related, good things that will derive from finishing your assignment.
2. List the things you need to do, and the things that you should not do.
If you have a big project to get done, it might seem intimidating if you look at it as a whole. Breaking it down into more manageable parts may make it easier to get started and finished. One way to do this is to write down those things that you have to get done in order for you to finish the project. It can be a simple list, or a step-by-step procedure, or something similar.
Seeing what you need to get done on paper, you may realize your project isn’t as big and hairy as you had thought. If it does seem too overwhelming, try to pare down your goals, prioritize what you need to get done, and save what you cannot do for some other time.
Also, with your list of things that you need to get done, you should write a list of things that you should not do – these will be the things you usually do when you procrastinate.
3. Take into account your work style and habits.
Incorporate your work style and habits into your program of work. If you like to work in short intervals, plan your work around that. If you prefer working in the morning or at night, make that part of your plan of work as well.
4.Give yourself rewards.
Reward yourself when you reach certain benchmark goals along the way. This will give you an incentive to keep going, as well as marking the completion of different phases of the project.
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