As a supervisor, you have a lot on your plate. With all that you have to do, you may not have taken the time to stop and reflect on your performance as a boss. But it is important to do, because the relationship between employees and their bosses is key to worker morale and ultimately a company’s productivity and profitability.
Despite the best of intentions, it is all too easy to slip into egoistic ways of thinking, But as a supervisor, it is important to keep your ego in check and to remember that your main charge is to maintain the efficiency and effectiveness of your team.
For example, do you tend to think you’ve got all the answers? Do you feel a little too happy when others fail? Do you micromanage? Do you feel your employees let you down too often, or do you go out of your way to put obstacles in front of those you don’t like?
If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, you need to stop and think about your management technique. It’s time for a change. And there are three things you can do right away to improve your performance as a boss.
First, learn how to give instruction and coach others.
By helping others through teaching, you are actually helping yourself. You become more aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, and through explaining the ideas and concepts of your work, you gain a better knowledge about them. Studies have shown that those who mentor are actually more successful than those who don’t.
Second, calm down, regain your composure.
It’s easy as a supervisor to fall into a habit of scolding and criticizing people. What you need to do is take a step back and take the time to communicate with your employees. Ask questions, find out what is troubling them and what they need help with. Make sure to compliment those who have done good work. Do it often.
Third, take the time to get to know your employees.
Learn about each person, what they are good at, and what they need to improve on. Know what is important for each of them individually to accomplish. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Your team is only as good as it’s least capable employee.
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