When companies are struggling to find the talent they need, what you pay becomes extremely important in attracting and retaining good workers. If your salaries are not competitive within your industry, you are going to lose out on the best people.
Here are some resources on the web for determining salaries.
1. Payscale.com
This website salary platform advertises relevant, validated salary market data. It also offers a system for building company pay structures, managing merit pay increases, and keeping tabs on pay equity. It has salary data analysis tools as well.
The company claims to conduct the largest current salary survey in the world, adding 150,000 new survey records each month. They have a database of more than 54 million salary profiles that is updated every day.
Using algorithms it has developed, the company has put together a system of job classifications as well as external data sources to standardize jobs across job titles, industries, and locations.
The Payscale site enables businesses to see how their salary scales stack up against market pay ranges, adjust salaries to more equitable levels, and determine raises.
2. Opti Salary Guide (We did all the research on this for the Pacific Northwest!)
We also offer a comprehensive salary guide for jobs in the Northwest.
You can download our free salary guides here:
Skilled Trades
Executive Positions
In the guides you will find sample job titles where applicable, brief descriptions, and regional pay scale information for each of the positions listed.
If you do not find the position you are searching for or need any clarification on job titles or more precise compensation information, feel free to reach out to research@optistaffing.com.
Our research team can provide any information not included in this guide as well as a detailed compensation analysis tailored to suit your needs.
3. Salary.com
This site bills itself as the leading provider of cloud-based compensation market data, software and analytics. Salary.com says their HR-reported market data will enable your company to offer competitive compensation, hire the right people at the right price, avoid pay compression, and keep top performers.
The company’s pay surveys and data sets cover 140 countries and include more than 16,000 job titles. More than 30 million people each year use its site for market pay data and career content that is continually updated.
Wondering If You’re Paying A Competitive Salary? Opti Did The Research For You!
If you are looking for quality workers, check with Opti Staffing. We are one of the best skilled trades staffing agencies in the region. In addition to Tacoma, we have a temp agency in Vancouver, Washington, a staffing agency in Portland, a staffing agency in Lake Oswego, and a temp agency in Seattle. Give us a call today.