Video Interviewing Etiquette From Beginning to End

The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting all aspects of business operations. It is changing the way companies recruit and hire. Companies are now using video interviews more than ever. So, if you are looking for a job, you need to become familiar with this type of interview and how to make the most of it.
A basic tip is to handle a video interview just like a face-to-face encounter, which means doing many of the same things you would do for a regular interview – research, appropriate dress, and practice.

Here are a few tips.

1. Check your tech

You need to make sure your technology is in good working order. Make sure your webcam works. Check your internet connection for sound and video quality. Some career counselors also recommend using a headset because the quality of sound is better, and it only picks up your voice.

2. Do your research

As with a face-to-face interview, you need to research the company to learn as much about it as you are able. If possible, you should also find out what you can about the hiring manager who will be talking to you.

3. Dress appropriately

Just because you will be talking from home doesn’t mean you can wear pajamas or sweatpants. What you wear is important for two reasons – giving a professional appearance, and making sure you look good on camera.
For example, you should avoid colors that are really bright or dark, especially white, because they are very distracting on camera and can cause tints. Also, avoid clothing with any intricate patterns and colors that are big contrasts.

4. Watch the lighting and background

Make sure that your face and upper body are clearly visible because it will help to make a good impression. To do this, you should have two lights behind the webcam and one on each side of it.
Keep the background a neutral color so it is not distracting. Also, avoid having too much clutter behind you for the same reason.

5. Use notes

This is one of the advantages of a video interview – you can have notes spread out in front of you to help answer questions. Try to keep the notes at eye level, so you won’t have to continually look away from the camera to check them.

6. Watch your body language

The camera should be at eye level, so it doesn’t appear that you are looking at the floor or over the interviewer’s head when you are speaking. Always look directly at the camera. This will give the impression of someone who is confident and self-assured because you will be maintaining eye contact.
Because your face is the focal point, it is also important to smile. When conversing, be careful not to interrupt the interviewer because this will lead to the well-known confusion that occurs when people talk over each other during video conferences.

7. Practice

Make a few practice runs before the real thing. Most programs allow you to make recordings of your responses, so you can get an idea of how you are coming across.

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If you are looking for work, Opti Staffing is here for you — ready, willing and able to put you into a new career. We know what it takes to put people to work. We take the time to learn all about you, so we can help you find success finding new opportunities or new employees. Give your local branch a call today.
