How Businesses Are Leading the Way Through Cultural Transformation

Cultural transformation is a wholesale change in the culture of a company. It is intended to revitalize the workplace, increasing employee engagement, and productivity.
It is achieved by making structural changes to the way a company operates so that everyone in it feels a greater sense of commitment. The idea is to ensure that everything the company does reflects its values and goals.

Four Tips for Leading During A Cultural Transformation

1. Taking stock of your culture now

The first step in the process is taking a hard look at your current company culture, You need to get a clear idea of where it is strong and where it needs to be improved. Focus on why you feel the need for a change and how you can align the change with the company’s long-term goals.
To make the change, it cannot be simply mandated from above. All employees need to be involved and sharing their input. This can be done through employee surveys or focus groups or meetings of employees with various company leaders.

2. Buy-in from company leadership

To make change happen, you are going to need the strong support of company leadership. They have to believe change is possible and that it can be implemented. Leadership input is needed on the kinds of behaviors they would like to see in the workforce and the kinds of behaviors they believe need to be phased out.

3. A plan

The next step is to develop a strategy and a plan for creating change that aligns with the company’s goals. The idea is to focus on just a few behaviors you want to change, to create a few goals to work toward, goals that are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and timely.
The company needs leaders who will model the kinds of behaviors the firm is trying to develop.
Goals need to be consistent and compatible with each other and with the kinds of behaviors and values you are seeking to establish.
Managers need to put a system in place to help guide employees to the behaviors they want, through setting goals, coaching, and evaluation. Creating a cultural transformation often requires employees to learn new skills, so a plan needs to be put in place for helping people acquire them.

4. Evaluate

You need to evaluate your efforts to see if you are making progress, to determine what is working and what is not. Are the behaviors moving in the direction you want them to go? Is business performance improving the way you want? Are you getting the results and growth you want?

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