Answering Tough Interview Questions Doesn’t Have to be Tough! Here’s Why

There are certain questions that you will probably encounter at just about every job interview. That is because hiring managers believe these questions are effective at finding out if a job candidate is a good fit for the job and the company.
Although hiring managers like them, the questions can generate a lot of anxiety among job candidates as they try to figure out how best to answer them. But these questions are not as difficult as they may seem if you keep in mind why the hiring manager is asking them, and you prepare a response to them before going to the interview.
Here are some examples of the questions and how to go about answering them.

1. Where do you see yourself in five years?

This is a standard question designed to get a sense of a candidate’s ambition and motivation. A good way to answer it is to connect it to the job you are applying for, describing how, five years later, you will be in a position that adds value to the company and helps the company achieve its goals.

This is a question you can answer in more general terms, describing how in the future you want a job that would be challenging and interesting.

2. Tell me about yourself.

This is another question that may confuse job candidates. It is important to know that the hiring manager does not want to hear your life story. Again, you need to relate your answer to the job. Think about some accomplishments in previous jobs and talk about how you achieved them, what the circumstances were and any obstacles you had to overcome.

Or you could talk about the skills you have developed that are necessary for the job and how you acquired them.

3. What are your weaknesses?

Another nail-biter question. Many people try to answer this question by actually naming a strength masquerading as a weakness, such as perfectionism, or being too outgoing. But a hiring manager will easily see through this ploy.

You need to name a genuine weakness, although one that is not so serious that it will eliminate you from consideration. Then, you need to explain what you are doing to address this weakness and make improvements.

4. What did you dislike about your former job?

You don’t want to waste time here talking about all of the things wrong with your previous job. Again, you need to focus on the future and the job you are applying for now. So, for example, if you feel that at your last job you were not allowed to use your professional judgment and make your own decisions, you could respond that you are looking forward to more autonomy to use your skills and judgment in the new job.

If you are looking for a job, the recruiters you should work with are at Opti Staffing. We work hard to earn your trust, treating all of our job candidates with honesty and integrity. Our success is determined by your success. Give us a call today.
