Productivity. It is a Holy Grail for companies looking to innovate, grow, and prosper. All companies are looking for ways to improve productivity.
It takes a three-pronged approach to do it effectively – one is by having workers who are skilled at their jobs, two is by creating a culture of accountability, and three is by improving employee engagement.
How Do You Keep Your Business Productive and Profitable?
1. Skilled workers
Having skilled workers begins with the hiring process. You need to be sure you are hiring the people with the skills needed to do their jobs effectively. That means, first of all, being clear about what skills are actually needed for particular jobs, attracting people with those skills through your job advertisements, and interviewing them effectively enough to determine if they do indeed possess those skills and are a good fit for the company.
Then, you also need to have a good professional development program, training that will enable the workers to improve their skills and keep up with changes in the industry.
2. Accountability
Creating a culture of accountability begins with communication. Employees need to know exactly what the duties and expectations are for each job, and there should be ways of measuring performance.
Workers need to get ongoing feedback to know if they are meeting those expectations, along with suggestions for improvement if they are falling short. Management needs to show the faith they have in employees by giving them the autonomy and responsibility to make decisions and exercise their judgment as to how best to do their job.
3. Employee engagement
Employees need to know they are valued by the company and that their efforts are appreciated. This will go a long way to increase morale and motivation, which will in turn enhance productivity. There are many ways for companies to do this.
One way is monetary, offering industry-leading salaries, generous bonuses and benefit plans. But there are other ways as well.
One is public recognition for a job well done, praise for an effort that goes above and beyond. Even a simple thank you can carry a lot of weight if it is sincere.
Other small rewards are also effective at improving employee engagement, things like paying for meals at restaurants, tickets to sporting events or shows, or other gifts.
Companies also need to listen to employees and take their ideas and concerns seriously. If management decides not to implement an employee suggestion, they owe the person an explanation for declining to follow up.
Looking to grow your team?
If your company is looking for good people, Opti Staffing can help you. We go the extra mile with all of our job candidates to delve into their background and learn about their skills and knowledge. And we work closely with employers to learn exactly what their needs are, so we can make a good match. Give us a call today.