The recruiters at Opti are professionals, the best at what they do. They take the time to build relationships with job candidates, to learn about the candidates’ goals, interests and backgrounds, so that our recruiters can make the best match between the job and the person.
One of our top-notch recruiters is Michelle Kovacich, an executive recruiter in our Seattle office. She talks about why Opti is such a great place to work.
What is your favorite part about working for Opti Staffing?
I work in a supportive environment where integrity is valued, and daily we strive to have a positive influence on those around us. I work with friends, love coming into the office every morning, and enjoy a deeply rewarding and satisfying career at Opti.
Do you have a favorite Opti tradition you could highlight?
Opti Olympics! I’m still waiting for my 2017 Grand Champion winnings. (The title is made up but I still won!)
What makes Opti unique?
Opti has a tradition of doing the right thing. It’s wonderful to see the best interests of others placed in high regard.
Tell us about your favorite moment helping an Opti client or candidate.
This is a tough one! I’ve had candidates cry with joy upon receiving their dream job offer. I’ve had “Where did you find her?!” queries from incredulous employers after interviewing the perfect candidate. I strive to have as many of these moments as possible! It makes me feel valued and appreciated, and I know my work truly makes a difference in people’s lives.
What does your perfect day look like?
I love a slightly frantic day when things are moving quickly
A Hollywood producer is making a movie about your life – who would be your pick to play the role of you?
Charlize Theron!
What was your first job?
I was four years old. I picked up nails at a residential construction site while babysitting a husky bigger and lazier than myself. I worked for eight hours and had to keep picking up the nails spilled by the dog. Earned five $1 bills and a vanilla/chocolate swirl ice cream cone that I shared with my co-worker when he spilled that too.
What is the one word you would use to describe Opti Staffing?
At Opti, we work with the best companies and the most talented job candidates. Our dedication to excellence is the key to our success. Find out what Opti can do for you. Give us a call today.