You want to begin your day right, to hit the ground running, so to speak. Most people know that if things get off to a bad start, it influences events for the rest of the day.
So, it’s important to think about what you can do to start the day in the best way possible. Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do that will make a big difference in how the curtin goes up on your day.
1. Get up a little earlier.
Do you give yourself just enough time in the morning to roll out of bed, wash up, grab a quick breakfast and run out the door? What happens when something unforseen comes up? Cutting your time as close as possible just creates undue stress in the morning. And anything that upsets your routine makes you late, which just adds more stress.
2. Get in a morning workout
Studies have shown that people who work out in the morning have more energy during the day and get more accomplished.
3. Eat breakfast
And make it a nutritious one as well. Instead of a doughnut or pastry with your coffee, have oatmeal and some fruit, or eggs and whole grain toast.
4. Use your commute.
During your commute to work, use the time to get yourself in the right frame of mind for work. Listen to some music that improves your mood, or listen to a book on tape, or just think about your day.
5. Plan for your day
Take some time to think about what you are going to do when you get to work. Plan your morning. It doesn’t have to be a detailed blueprint, but just a broad outline of what you are going to do.
Even if you do all you can to start your day off right, something may still go wrong. If that happens, take a time out. Go someplace where you can be alone and collect yourself, or yell, or however you let off steam. Then forget about what happened, put it behind you, and start over again.
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