Perk Power

We’re sure your employees would agree that pay raises and promotions are a good thing. Yet we also understand that budgets can be very tight and there may not be enough in the coffers to provide anything close to a hefty wage hike across the board.
Yet there are some things a cash-strapped company can do to help keep worker moral up and recruit and retain superstars. Call them small benafits or perks, if you will: their impact can be quite large.
These small perks work to keep employees happy because they help your workers feel that you “care.” Thus, you should experience lower turnover and even see your employees recommend your company to their friends and family as a great place to work.
Perks can be inexpensive yet such benefits as a mentoring program, paid-by-company snacks and sodas in the lunch room, flexible start and stop times, etc. can go a long, long, long way to boosting your workers’ morale.
Additional perks could include paying for your employees to take classes, seminars, even college courses (this helps them feel that you take their professional goals seriously). Providing for these opportunities to learn also benefits you because your employees can learn or upgrade skills – then use them on the job.
If your firm laid several people off in the last year or so, the remaining employees may be doing the jobs of more than one person. They may be tired and close to burning out. That’s why forms of appreciation can go a long, long way.
Friday pizza parties to celebrate the upcoming weekend and Welcome Back Muffin Mondays; it’s touching how these small perks can loom so greatly in your workers’ minds. Provide them regularly and such gifts can truly help your employees stay productive and happy to be at work.
If your Anchorage-area company is looking for reliable and hard-working staff members for your company, look to the recruiters at the Opti Staffing Group to help you find them. We can supply your firm with workers for your temporary, temp-to-hire and direct-hire opportunities. Contact us today.
