Personality Tests

During the interview process, you ask questions designed to understand a job candidate’s personality and motivation, to find out what the person is like, what kind of character they have. You may be satisfied with this assessment of the job candidate and your own judgment.
Many companies, however, are now going a little further in doing personality assessments of job candidates, using personality tests put together by psychologists to get a better picture of a person and determine if that person will be a good fit for the company. Here are a few of those tests and what they do.
1. Myers-Briggs
This questionnaire is designed to classify a person according to one of 16 personality types. The test uses four sets of paired categories to help describe these personality types. The categories are Extraversion vs Introversion, Sensing vs Intuition, Thinking vs Feeling and Judging vs Perceiving.
Many people take the Myers-Briggs of their own accord to find out how well their personality suits the type of job they have and to help them with their careers. Companies can use the Myers-Briggs to help manage their staff, to build leadership skills, to help resolve conflicts, and to help people adapt to change.
The Myers-Briggs is used by just about all of the Fortune 100 companies. This tool is based on more than 50 years of research and helps companies to get most from their work teams and in career development.
2. DiSC
This personality evaluation measures four aspects of personality. One is dominance, or how you deal with problems. Two is influence, or how you get along with people. Three is steadiness, which deals with a person’s temperament. And four is conscientiousness, which deals with how well organized a person is.
People’s personalities generally favor one of the four aspects, but others can break through depending on the situation. The DiSC evaluation is used by companies to help increase productivity, teamwork and communication. Firms have found it helpful in training sales people, improving customer service, assessing job candidates, and developing leaders.
3. Belbin Team Roles
Team roles are defined as a tendency to behave, contribute or interrelate in a particular way with others in the team.
Each team member answers a questionnaire about what role they see themselves as having within the team and how they see the roles of others in the team. There are nine roles in the Belbin model. Each person receives a report based on their responses detailing their strengths and weaknesses.
If your company is looking for people with the right personality, Opti Staffing is ready to help you. Opti has the experience and the know how to find the right people for your job openings. Give Opti a call today.
