Hiring and Keeping the Best People

An ongoing challenge for businesses is finding and retaining the best people. In the coming years, it will become ever more important.
Moreover, a recent survey has revealed that about 25 percent of all new employees leave a company within one year of being hired. This really adds to the challenges that companies face.
And this kind of turnover can really cost companies money because surveys have also shown that it costs companies on average about $11,000 to fill a position.
The main reason that employees left businesses after such a short time was because of a poor onboarding process. Surveys show that companies really don’t do that much in terms of bringing new employees on board. About 25 percent of companies in the surveys said they gave no training at all to new workers, and another 60 percent said they do little to work with new employees on setting performance goals. On top of that, about 30 percent of the companies responding said they spent nothing on orienting new employees.
These onboarding problems could contribute to the fact that it takes employees at many companies at least a year before they actually reach their potential in productivity. About 30 percent of the companies responding cited the year-long figure. And it is apparent that these orientation problems are a significant cause for employees leaving companies after only a year.
It is clear that if companies are going to improve retention rates, they are going to have to make marked improvements to the onboarding process. This can be done in a variety of ways. Assigning onboarding mentors to new employees to help them get acquainted with the company is one way. Creating an online hub where employees can go for information is another way to ease the transition process.
The key is to provide new employees with all of the help and information they need so that they can quickly assimilate to the company culture. They need to have access to information so that they don’t have to go hunting for information on their own.
Moreover, companies can improve their onboarding process by talking to employees, getting their feedback on the process, where it was effective and where it could be improved.
When your company needs temporary, temporary-to-hire or direct-hire workers in the Anchorage area, send a message to the Opti Staffing Group, among the best in the area. We would love to discuss how we can help your company with its contingent staffing needs.
